Congratulations to the crew at Sunrise Trading for their incredible expertise in coffee sourcing!

Sunrise Trading

 This year's Peruvian harvest comes from the most incredible growing region of the Peruvian high jungle, and Sunrise Trading has selected and purchased over 50 separate microlots of washed, natural, and honey process coffees.
This is a truly remarkable achievement, and it speaks to Sunrise Trading's deep understanding of the coffee industry and their commitment to quality. Microlots are small batches of coffee beans that are sourced from specific farms or regions, and they offer a unique flavor profile that reflects the terroir of where they were grown. By offering such a wide variety of microlots, Sunrise Trading is able to provide its customers with a truly unique and exceptional coffee experience.
We are so grateful for the coffee farmers who worked so hard to produce the amazing microlots that Sunrise Trading purchased this season. Your dedication to your craft and your commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly coffee production is admirable. Thank you for your hard work, and we look forward to enjoying your coffees for many years to come!
We encourage you to explore Sunrise Trading's selection of Peruvian microlots and find your new favorite coffee. You won't be disappointed!

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